In this article you will learn more about the Martial Arts and its benefits. Most of us know that by exercising we can have great physical benefits, in addition to strengthening the muscles. What is known about the specific benefits of each exercise executed?
There is already research that shows that by running and walking there is an increase in life expectancy. As for yoga, it is proven that it increases happiness. Although, there is a physical activity that, in addition to improving physical and mental health, can increase the cognitive part of our brain, these are the Martial Arts.
An investigation carried out in the United States, in children with ages between 8 and 11 years old, it was recommended that they practice martial arts. Which had as education the power to defend themselves, introduced in a program that worked against the bullying school and respect for other people. Along with this, they were instructed how to maintain calm and self-control under pressure conditions.
Martial arts and its benefits for all ages
The investigations revealed that the practice of Martial Arts They help reduce violent behavior in children. As the study also revealed that there was an increase in the intervention. And help from a partner who is suffering violence, compared to what happened before martial arts practices.
Something curious that happened was that the decrease in violence was not only in young children. In another investigation carried out, it was shown that, in adolescents, there was a decrease in physical and verbal aggressions, after starting the practices of martial arts.
One of the Martial Arts Known is tai chi, the emphasis of this martial art is on meditation and controlled breathing. In research conducted on how to reduce stress, meditation and breathing have been shown to help in the ability to manage stress, both in young adults and older people.
The relationship between body and mind
The relationship between physical health and emotional well-being is investigated by various scientists. It has been confirmed that the Martial Arts They help in the emotional well-being of people. The aforementioned study was done in 45 people between the ages of 67 and 93, who practiced karate, some cognitive or physical training (not martial), for 3 to 6 months.
Those older adults who practiced karate presented low levels of depression, especially when practicing karate with other groups. It was also reported that they themselves presented high levels of self-esteem immediately after practicing karate.
So this kind of exercise They improve attention and alertness throughout the constant practice of this physical activity. One of the tests carried out was to repeat and remember a number of numbers, in increasing and then decreasing order, diversifying and making it difficult until the person was unable to continue.
Undoubtedly, martial arts are more than traditional movements. Although it has been practiced for self-defense and spiritual growth for hundreds of years, research to understand the scope of this practice is recent. Investigations directed to the effects of Martial Arts in the brain, they are new.