American family finds bag with money, see the outcome


an american family found one bag with money. They decided to go on a long journey  when they found what turned out to be nearly a million dollars lying on the road.

The car that was in front of the Schantz's car, from the state of Virginia, veered out of the way of something that looked like a garbage bag. The Schantz family, however, did not have time to do the same.


So they ran over the bag of money. Instead of leaving the trash on the road, they stopped, picked it up and dumped it in the trunk of the truck, says Moser, a major with the US state Sheriff's Department.


They noticed a second bag in a nearby area and picked it up as well. After they got home that night, they were going to throw away the two bags.

Millionaire surprise on the trip: bag with money

According to Moser, when they were seized, they appeared to be mail envelopes. Then, they investigated further and noticed that it appeared to be cash. The Schantz family went to church with one of the county sheriffs. He told the family to call the office.

"We went there and determined that it was, in fact, bag with money . It was in two bags and the total was close to $1 million," Moser said. Inside the bags were smaller bags, and inside these was the information of where the money should be deposited.

Familia americana encuentra bolsa con dinero, vea el desenlace
American family finds bag with money, see the outcome (Photo: Internet)

Emily Schantz said she found other bags that were addressed, some saying "cash vault." The department where Moser works investigated the bags before handing them over to the Country Postal Service, which now does its own investigation.

Moser still says the department hasn't released any information on the matter, such as who owns the money or where it would be sent. The responsible body is now working to return the amount to its owner.

Moser concludes that it is really a credit to the character and fiber of the family. Still, that is was a very difficult decision, since it involves almost a million dollars. For Moser, the Schantz family did the right thing."

In times of economic crisis with the coronavirus pandemic, what would you do if you found a bag with money: Would you have the same position as this American family?

Read More: How to save money every month without difficulty

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