Unemployment in the country increased by 31.3%, according to INEGI


According to the data reported by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) on unemployment open in the country increased by 31.3% in the year 2020. However, that without mentioning informal jobs, underemployed and the PNEA.

understand what isThe percentage is equivalent to a number of unemployed of 2,549,487 people. Compared to the periods from October to December 2019, there are 607,416 more individuals than that registered in that quarter.


Despite the fact that unemployment in the country is considered short-lived, the levels of informality grew 332 percent. This is due to the number of job seekers in a period ranging from six months to one year.

The pandemic and economy: djob in Mexico


The containment systems used to prevent the spread of the pandemic in the country have caused various damages such as unemployment. This is because the reduction in the EAP and informality represented the largest job losses in 2020.

It should be noted that the number of workers in almost all sectors of the economy was affected. But the most affected were the catering and accommodation sectors, they lost 769 thousand occupied places.

El aumento del desempleo preocupa a las parejas.
The couple remains unemployed and worried about debt. (Image: Internet)

youstill, Another affected sector was microbusinesses, which decreased by 914,000, of which 52 percent were microbusinesses that had a fixed establishment.

The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi) also reported the number of PEA, increasing from 57.6 million to 55.9 million.

understand that this number indicates a decrease of approximately 1.7 million people, where restaurants and lodging services were the most affected. For more information, follow the news on our website.

Underemployment and informality

With the pandemic, underemployed people growing by 3 million 840 thousand, reaching 8 million 100 thousand workers. ANDunderstand that informality They include the employed who are vulnerable due to the type of work they do and those who are not recognized by the person who hires them.

know that that number was 29 million 600 thousand. Por that, heThe unemployment rate increased 1.2 points, going from 3.4 to 4.6 percent at the national level and the rate for 39 cities stood at 5.6 percent.

D.and that way, youAll these data from unemployment They are being reflected, for example, in the growth of the active non-economic population (PNEA). She shot up 53.2 percent over last year. Thus, most of these people want a job or need one, but do not see opportunities in the labor market.

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