Have you ever thought of having a credit card that provides all the security during purchases? One of them is the credit card without credit history, created to be totally flexible with great security measures to avoid fraud.
With this credit card, the customer has access to flexible 100% credit and cash withdrawals, making it much easier when you need that help paying bills.
The great novelty with this type of credit card is that the payments made with it can be chosen for a fixed date without interest or can be paid in monthly installments adapted to each cardholder.
In addition, with it it is possible to configure personalized payments, directly through the application installed on the cell phone.
Are you curious to know more about the credit card without credit history? See below for more details and how to apply.
See why the credit card with no credit history is the most researched
The credit card with no credit history is one of the most researched cards at the moment and this is due to very different factors than the competition. The first is the interest rate of the 18% NIR, which represents the 19,63% ABR.
But what makes this credit card so special is its security. This is because the credit card without credit history, in physical form, does not have numbers, so no one can see the card number or CVV.
The absence of numbers does not affect payments in traditional stores or for withdrawing cash at ATMs.
To make online payments, where this numbering is necessary, the customer accesses the application installed on the cell phone and can obtain this information.
How to contract the Aqua credit card
Did you like this type of credit card and want to know how to apply for a credit card without a credit history? Well, first you have to be a client of the Bank. If not, you can do it online through the page official Web, without paying fees and in just a few minutes.
After becoming customers and applying for a credit card without credit history, the card limit will depend on our needs and the risk assessment carried out by the Bank where each value is different for each customer.
Know the annuity of the credit card without credit history
It should be noted that the credit card without credit history has a free annuity for one year and then a renewal cost of €43 per year is charged.
However, the customer can get a free annual renewal if any of the following conditions are met:
- Proof of income through payroll direct debit of an amount equal to or greater than 800 euros in at least 2 months of the last 4.
- Submit a document proving receipt of pension or severance pay for an amount equal to or greater than 300 Euros in at least 2 of the last 4 months;
- Prove periodic income of an amount equal to or greater than 2,500 euros per quarter.
- If all these are correct, the credit card with no credit history will not charge the fee and the customer will be free to use.
What can we say about the credit card without credit history? Well, it is more suitable for those who already have a bank account and can order more easily.
In addition, it does not have many benefits, only the security of the card data is the great advantage.
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Santander Free Credit Card: without annuity and with rewards
Remembering that its use must be done in a controlled manner, avoiding economic losses with the bill at the end of the month.
The credit card without credit history was born to make life easier for consumers and its conscious use is essential for its use.