World economy and the worst recession since World War II 


Lhe world economy may face the worst recession of history. With a drop of more than 5% eThis year, this rate is the highest since World War II. It will also be the first time since the 19th century that several countries will experience a drop in their per capita production.

Which in turn will put many people in a situation of misery. This situation was predicted by the World Bank due to the coronavirus pandemic and restrictive measures to contain the spread of the disease.


"Countries are experiencing a significant recession in the per capita income of the population, levels that are the highest since the late 19th century, despite all the unprecedented public policies to combat the pandemic."


This is the situation described in the World Economic Outlook report. In addition, this document presents a projection of a 3% drop in per capita income. Which will cause millions of families to be below the poverty line.

La economía mundial se contraerá 5.2 por ciento este año, la más profunda recesión desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
The world economy will contract 5.2 percent this year, the deepest recession since World War II. (Photo: Internet)

Understand what we can expect from the post-recession global economy!

The US economy is forecast to shrink by just over 6% this year, due to social distancing measures to reduce the ills of the pandemic. The estimate, which is worse for the eurozone countries.

It is speculation of a retraction of the 9% due to the large covid outbreaks that have affected countries such as Italy, France and England in the last year, which made various economic activities in the old continent unfeasible.

In Japan there is a somewhat more encouraging outlook than in Europe, since economists expect a drop in 6%. On the other hand, the Chinese economy is going against other countries, the forecast is that the Asian giant will be able to recover 1% of the Gross Domestic Product. India is expected to drop a bit more than 3%.

As for the Russian and Brazilian economies, the prospects are for a decline of 6% and 8%, respectively. For other Latin American economies such as Mexico and Argentina, the estimate is for a fall of 7% for both.

Covid-19 and the different scenarios of the economic crisis

In this scenario, emerging countries and developing economies feel the effect of the crisis more intensely. Where the suspension of classes and the difficulty that the population has to access primary health services.

Experts are unanimous in stating that these factors have caused problems in the development of the population. Given the enormous scenario of uncertainties that the world economy has been suffering, the world bank has been speculating on various scenarios for the economy in the coming years.

The bearish simulation takes into account a fall in the world Gross Domestic Product of 8%. Although the bullish scenario estimates a reduction of 4%, this index being much higher than one of the worst economic crises in recent years, the recession 2009 overall.

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Organize your finances through a personal budget

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