Online Pregnancy Test – Discover the best places to take the test


An online pregnancy test is a practical and simple tool that allows you to assess the probability of a woman getting pregnant based on the evaluation of various signs, symptoms and behaviors.

When you have unprotected intercourse during fertilization, you are more likely to get pregnant because this greatly increases the chances of sperm reaching a mature egg, leading to fertilization and pregnancy.


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Online Pregnancy Test – Discover the best places to take the test (Image: Internet)

Online test to find out if you are pregnant

All you need to do is take a piece of paper and a pencil and answer “yes” or “no” (honestly) to the following questions. If the maximum response is positive, consult a doctor because the chances of getting pregnant are high. Are you ready?


During the last month, have you had sex without using a condom or any other contraceptive method (pill, IUD, patch...)?

  • Did you use it the morning after your last cycle of pills?
  • Is your period late for more than a week?
  • Did you notice that your last period was brown or pink?
  • Do you wake up in the morning feeling sick and wanting to throw up?
  • Have you ever rejected certain foods and/or smells such as cigarettes or perfumes?
  • Do you have swelling, cramps or pain?
  • Have you noticed any changes in your breasts? Breast tenderness, pain, darkening of the areola?
  • Have you noticed changes in your skin? More acne, blackheads, oilier skin?
  • Do you feel more tired than usual?
  • Do you have sudden mood swings for no apparent reason?
  • Do you go to the bathroom to urinate more often than usual?
  • Has your temperature risen?

The online pregnancy test that we provide is based on detecting the first symptoms of pregnancy. You should be careful as they can vary greatly from woman to woman and many of them can be mistaken for changes in your body as your period approaches.

You can take the pregnancy test online at the website >>

Reliable test that you will know if you are pregnant

Bringing a baby into this world is too serious to depend on luck, don't you think? If you think you may be pregnant, the best way to reassure yourself is to get one of the following two tests:

  • urine pregnancy test

It can be bought in pharmacies and it is very easy and fast to operate. All you need to do is urinate into a sterilized cup (preferably in the morning), put a few drops of urine on a chemically treated test strip, and within minutes it will tell you if the hCG hormone (pregnancy hormone) is present. If this hormone is present in your urine, you are pregnant, if not, you are not.

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  • Blood test

The test also measures the levels of pregnancy hormones, although for this doctors take blood, which must be sent to a laboratory for analysis. Results may take longer.

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