Have you ever thought of having an unlimited credit card, accepted in Mexico and in various countries, with a balance in dollars? These services are offered by the Banco Azteca Guardadito Go Credit Card, a card created by the most famous Mexican bank in the country.
The credit card arose to make people's lives easier, offering security and comfort during purchases. However, not everyone can access the service as some banks require a bureaucratic process to do so.
In addition, there are people who cannot control the expenses with the card, and therefore avoid having one in their wallet. But, did you know that you can have a prepaid card, where you choose how much to spend per month, without affecting the family budget? That is what happens with the Banco Azteca Guardadito Go Credit Card.
Learn more about the Banco Azteca Guardadito Go credit card
The Banco Azteca Guardadito Go Credit Card is a prepaid card, where you keep your balance in dollars and you can control it through the application installed on your cell phone, without having to go to a bank branch.
Issued by Banco Azteca, the Banco Azteca Guardadito Go Credit Card allows you to choose how much you will spend in the month, through recharges made according to the customer's needs.
In addition, it is accepted in Mexico and abroad thanks to the Visa brand, which provides security during transactions. Are you curious and want to know more about the benefits of this card? We have separated more information below!
Benefits of the Banco Azteca Credit Card
When you have access to the services of this credit card, the client will have the benefits of the Banco Azteca Guardadito Go Credit Card, such as:
- Card balance in dollars;
- No fees for using the card;
- Immediate cash for daily purchases;
- Visa support for payment of purchases abroad;
- Access to the VISA Travel Money card;
- Accepted in establishments in Mexico and abroad, both in online purchases and in physical stores;
- $ 1 fee for each cash withdrawal;
- Issuance cost of $ 3 dollars per card.
How to apply for the Guardadito Credit Card
If you liked the previous benefits, see the requirements to obtain the Banco Azteca Guardadito Go Credit Card:
- Be over 18 and under 64;
- Born in Mexico;
- He has a checking account at Banco Azteca;
- Have the Banco Azteca Guardadito Go Credit Card application downloaded to the cell phone on Android or iOS platforms;
- You accept the terms and conditions of use of this card.
For more details, visit the site official Web de Banco Azteca for this card and keep an eye out for fees and other information about the purchase.
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Remembering that because it is a prepaid credit card, it can be approved more easily. However, always check if the Banco Azteca Guardadito Go Credit Card will cover your daily needs.