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Differences between sport in recent decades

The world changes by leaps and bounds and sports is no exception. That is why we decided to develop a list of differences from the sport in recent decadesHere's a contrasting look at how youth sports have changed over the past 30 years.

Yes, this list is a bit of a comparison to what was played 30 years ago or more. However, it cannot be denied that there are subtle, if not distinct, differences between the sport in recent decades at that time and now.

deporte en las últimas décadas
sport in recent decades (Photo: Pixabay)


Was it almost an obligation for a starter to go nine innings? full games, like the aberration presented by David Price on Thursday, deserve ticker-tape parades nowadays. Six innings is good. Seven is great. You then hand it over to the "setup" man, who takes care of the "closer." Five guys could put together a shutout.

The exits are sacred. There are only 27. Therefore, sacrificial groups have lost their prestige. Same with stolen bases. Forget 70, sliding 40 will get you the crown.

And the dialogue. You know batting average, runs batted in and ERA. You may have to de-bon with OPS, BABIP, and FRAA. that was play this sport in recent decades. 

You were always taught that the ultimate goal when your team had the ball was a layup. You wanted to work the ball inside, always. Governed centers. Mikan, Russell, Wilt, Bellamy, Abdul-Jabbar and many, many more. Make the greats take over basketball and get out of your way. This is how you played.

That was how the game was played on the day a low-post shot resulted in a high-percentage shot, like this two-handed blush from Bill Russell.

Now he is away from the bombs. The 3-point shot has starred in a hostile takeover of the sport. The idea is that 3 is better than 2, and that's it. The once great offensive center has been sidelined. You can watch an entire NBA game and not once see a team throw the ball inside to a Big Person and ask him to score. If you throw it to him, he is more likely to throw it back on a 3 point attempt. Seven-footers with jump shots, and even 3-point jump shots, are not anomalies. And that's just some of the changes sport in recent decades

In a very obvious sense, none of our top four games has changed more than soccer, if only for the simple fact that the biggest, fastest, strongest, most athletic players are now playing it more surprising the sport in recent decades changed in protections and strategies..

Offensive concepts went from setting up the run before passing, passing, passing and passing some more. As our football player Ben Volin points out, "Joe Montana never threw for 4,000 yards." Bart Starr's maximum was 2,438. It was a super all electric sweep in Green Bay.

Defensively, the league is trying to protect people because of the growing concerns about concussions. Therefore, the hits of yesteryear are being removed from the game were some of the moves from the sport in recent decades.

Reasons to think about investing in social media marketing

A growing number of companies, including small businesses, intend to invest a larger percentage of their budgets in invest in social media marketing.

However, the available evidence supports the belief of experts in invest in social media marketing they can drastically improve your company's marketing performance. These are some of the most important reasons for companies to invest in the area of social networks.

invertir en marketing en las redes sociales.
Invest in social media marketing. (Photo: Pixabay)

Invest in social media marketing it's perfect for establishing your brand. Once you have loyal friends, fans, followers, and other community members on social media platforms, you can turn many of them into dedicated brand advocates. Studies show that about one in 10 consumers act as free brand promoters online and the number jumps to 90 percent for millennials. The younger generation uses social media for just about everything, and future success will mean having a presence on the platforms they use.

Market research suggests that companies plan to invest in social media marketing. of in the future. Businesses that do not fully embrace this trend will be left at a competitive disadvantage. Organizations that are not fully present and active on these platforms will surely fall behind in the marketing race.

Social networks provide a free and easy platform to survey and gauge public opinion. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook make it easy to find consumer impressions of products and services. For example, if a company introduces a new product, it can use social media management tools to scan Twitter for public "tweets" that contain the name of the product.

Software applications can analyze these tweets automatically not just by keyword, but even by commonly used social media symbols like ":)" and ":(" to gauge whether the public reaction is positive or negative. Businesses can also They can post questions or polls on their social media profile pages to see how their online communities feel about certain issues, products, or services.
Social media can act as a customer service and support network. An increasing number of companies use these sites to provide product updates and news, and even to respond to customer support requests.

More consumers check social networks before buying products online. Research from the E-Tailing Group suggests that one in three consumers check with their social media communities before making purchases. An Inc magazine study found that about seven in 10 online shoppers are more likely to do business with companies that have active social media profile pages. Therefore the importance of invest in social media marketing.

Invest in social media marketing help with search engine optimization (SEO). This factor can be especially important for companies that sell products and services from their own websites. SEO is key to keeping a steady flow of traffic to your sites which in turn can lead to more conversions (sales). Changes in search engine algorithms recently placed great emphasis on a social media presence. In particular, websites may

The best countries to invest in in recent times

The classification of best countries to invest is based on the results of a global survey. Based on insights, it ranks countries based on the highest scores among nearly 7,000 business decision makers.

Still, a compilation of eight equally weighted country attributes: corruption, dynamism, economically stable, entrepreneurial, favorable tax environment, innovative, skilled workforce, and technological expertise.


Los mejores países para invertir en los últimos tiempos
The best countries to invest in recent times (Photo: Internet).

The 5 best countries to invest


India was one of the top 10 countries attracting foreign direct investment flows, according to a 2018 UN report. The South Asian giant is also one of the world's top spenders on research and development.

4. Luxembourg

Luxembourg has one of the most favorable tax environments in the world. Global Finance magazine ranks the small European country as the sixth best country in the world for business. This place is already an old acquaintance in the financial market for being a tax haven.

3. Costa Rica: one of the best countries to invest

Costa Rica is seen as one of the eighth best tax-friendly environments in the world. Foreign direct investment in the Central American country grew by 18% to $ 3 billion, according to a 2018 UN report.

This has increased thanks to its growing relations with the United States and by increasing its exposure on the radar of world tourism.

2. Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has a high-performing economy, making it an attractive and promising recipient of foreign direct investment. Despite the recent scandal surrounding the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the World Bank projects that Saudi Arabia's economy will continue to grow.


Uruguay ranks first in the list of best countries to invest, a dramatic 12-spot move from its 2018 ranking. Business decision-makers rank the South American nation 25 spots higher than the general population.

Among other Latin American countries, Uruguay's favorable business environment is likely. The stable legal system and democracy continue to attract investors. Foreign investors include: Sabre, a travel technology company; PepsiCo, Inc. and AstraZeneca.

Other aspects about the best countries to invest

However, there are other aspects that make a country unique. Su people, their environment, their relationships, their framework and their teachings They are also essential when thinking about investments.

TOYes, culture is a determining factor for companies to be interested in and prioritize some territories to the detriment of others. It is from these factors that the countries part of the list of best countries to invest

Learn about some low-value investments

Several close people talk about how important it is to start having a financial reserve. However, it is not an easy task when you do not have many financial resources. That is why we present in this article some low value investments.

In many cases it seems that the financial market is against you. A large part of the funds require the client to make a large investment in order to start investing, in addition to applying commissions on the invested capital.

Also, investing your money in stocks can be difficult if the stock prices and service fees are very expensive. So this is one of the reasons why many people cannot find an option to make a financial investment. However, keep in mind that there are investment options that do not require you to have a large amount of money.

¿Tienes poco dinero? Conozca algunas inversiones de bajo valor
Do you have little money? Learn about some low-value investments (Photo: Internet)

1. High Yield Savings Account
If you are just starting to save money, this is a good investment option. This type of application will pay interest on the entire amount that you have deposited in your bank account. However, do some research at which bank you will open your account with, as most traditional banks end up paying low interest rates, as well as requiring the customer to deposit a large amount before getting any financial return.

However, remember that you do not have to deposit your financial resources in a traditional institution. Today, we have many digital banks that offer savings accounts. Since institutions compete for clients by offering advantageous interest rates to the client. And they are excellent low-value investment options.

2. Commission-free funds and ETFs
One of the most complicated things when buying shares is that this type of financial application is found within brokerage firms that in many cases charge commissions for trading shares. Although there are financial institutions with discounted rates, the rates vary from US $ 5 to US $ 12 per operation, and the amounts vary depending on the institution.

Thus, it is much more profitable for a client to acquire 1,000 shares at the same time than to carry out several transactions. Therefore, for those who have few financial resources and can only have low value investments. Fortunately, there are several brokers that offer their clients discounts on investment funds and ETFs, in which you can invest without having to pay commissions. There are financial institutions such as Fidelity, which allow their clients to buy a single share without charging commissions.

3. Dividend reinvestment plans
There are several companies that distribute part of the profits with their shareholders. So if you invest in stocks, you will receive payments for owning shares in the company. So with the values of these dividends you will be able to buy more shares and this can be a great way to increase your income with low value investments.

Through a dividend reinvestment model. Several companies offer this application model in which shareholders can automatically reinvest their dividends instead of withdrawing the payment. The good news is that if the value is not enough for a full lot of shares, you will receive fractional shares. As a result, several DRIPs are offered free of charge and allow investors to buy shares directly from companies without having to go through intermediaries.

These are great ways to start with low value investments that with the passing of time will give you more confidence to venture more and more into the financial market.

We present you a list with some of the classic Spanish jokes

If you are one of the many who love to laugh a little at the peninsulars, we present a special section on spanish jokes so you can have fun for a while with their innocence.

Cultural aspects are an inexhaustible source of jokes. It is no coincidence that we can find jokes of different nationalities. Still, many of them reflect the rivalry between countries.

Know that the important thing is to turn this rivalry into something healthy and fun! So take the opportunity to relax in your day to day. Why laughing is good, especially when we're stuck with work, isn't it? 

Rejoice right now with these Spanish jokes


At the crime scene:
- Hello! John, I'm from narcotics.
– Javier, I'm more of a lifelong drinker.

Speak in English 

An Englishman meets a Spaniard:
– Do you speak English?
– What do you say sir?
– Do you speak English?
– I don't get it, son!
– I am asking if you speak English.
– Of course, man and I speak of wonders!

Te presentamos una lista con algunos de los clásicos chistes de españoles
We present you with a list of some of the classic Spanish jokes (Photo: Internet).

Other stories to make you smile


In an infectology congress each delegation presents its studies. German researchers present the work 'The expansion of smallpox in the 20th century' in 5 volumes. The French 3 books on 'Cholera and its global impacts'. Finally it is the time of the Spanish who approach the podium with elegance and say:
-We request from the esteemed judges an extension of the term to finish our sheets.


A Spaniard, a German and an Englishman were shipwrecked at sea.
When hunger already makes itself felt, the Englishman says:
I cut off a leg and you eat it. The German and the Spaniard eat their friend's leg. The German says: For you I cut off my arm and you eat it, and your friends eat it.
When the Spaniard's turn comes, he pulls out his dick and the friends sing: Franfurt Franfurt!
to which the Spaniard responds, that nothing to drink the bottle and take a nap!-


In a canoe on the river goes a Spaniard and an American
The gringo falls out of the boat and starts yelling:
The Spaniard who doesn't understand anything tells him:
– Friend, what gel I have not brought, but if you need something for your hair I have shampoo.

Now that you know these Spanish jokes, how about having fun with another article? Therefore, read also:

Drunken jokes to tell on your binges