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Reasons why exercising helps mental health

Did you know that exercise is one of the best ways to improve mental health? In this article we bring you some reasons why the exercise helps mental health. Here is our list of the top 6 mental health benefits of physical activity.

It doesn't matter what physical activity you are doing: yoga, climbing, swimming, surfing, skiing, soccer, rugby, anything! It doesn't even matter how long your sessions are! But your decision to do so is important!

Try to integrate it into your weekly routine so that it is easy for you to stick with it. Your body and your mind will thank you and you will see how the exercise helps mental health!

Motivos por los cuales hacer ejercicio ayuda a la salud mental
Reasons why exercising helps mental health (Photo: Internet).

1. Boost Happy Chemicals

With exercise, the body generates more endorphins which are hormones produced, for example, when you are laughing. These substances trigger a positive feeling while minimizing pain. According to some studies, more intense exercises produce higher levels of endorphins. In this way, having a higher level of happy chemicals is one of the effects of how the exercise helps mental health.

2. Reduces depression
According to Harvard Medical School, exercise contributes naturally to fighting depression. Exercise is sometimes as effective as antidepressants. Physical exercise promotes the connection and growth of neurons in the hippocampus, which controls your mood. All of this contributes to reducing depression..

3. Reduce stress
When we face various challenges, the body reacts with stress. Various studies show that physical activities allows us to transmit stress. By making the heart pump faster and renew the blood, which causes the elimination of stress.

4.toincreases the self-confidence
Exercise can help improve the level of your self-confidence. If you are consistent and get active regularly, your fitness and stamina will improve. Surely you will be able to observe this improvement, especially at the beginning. Thus, in addition to improving physically, you will also feel mentally stronger, more secure and you will understand why the exercise helps mental health. The better you feel physically, the happier you will also feel. Physical activities that you can do outside, such as running, volleyball, walking, cycling, etc., also help increase vitamin D.

5. Reduces anxiety
Worry is the great cause of anxiety. There will always be concerns, some more and others less serious, however, research agrees that physical activity minimizes anxiety. The chemicals expelled during training are really effective against anxiety. There is research showing that even low-intensity physical activity serves to reduce this mental disorder.

6. Prevents cognitive decline
Exercise, in addition to working as a way to prevent cognitive decline, minimizes the possibility of dementia. It contributes to the regeneration of neurons that, for example, Alzheimer's destroys. At the same time: if you regularly play football, soccer, practice yoga or do any other exercise, your learning and memory skills improve, increasing your concentration and for that reason the exercise helps mental health

Also read:

Anxiety: some advice for those who are facing coronavirus

Learn about the sports that are most practiced in the world

In this article, we will introduce the 5 most practiced sports in the world. Many sports of various modalities have gained popularity and have gained many fans. So, the rules of sports are made by international federations.
A good part of these games are Olympic sports, a healthy competition between the countries of the five continents. Sports are also doing well financially, generating billion-dollar profits, especially in developed countries like the United States and China.
Conozca los deportes que más se practican en el mundo
Learn about the sports that are most practiced in the world (Photo: Internet).

The 5 most practiced sports in the world

5. Volleyball – 900 million fans

Volleyball is a very influential sport in America and Western Europe, which makes it one of the most practiced sports in the world. Volleyball was created on February 9, 1895 by William George.

In a way, volleyball is a sport that has evolved a lot in recent decades and today it is a modern game. With several fundamentals and that requires teamwork to be able to defend and attack the opponent's court.

4. Tennis – 1 billion fans

The sport has close to one billion followers and admirers, which makes tennis a modality of global relevance. Thus, ancient peoples such as the Egyptians, Romans and Greeks practiced a modality similar to current tennis.

Although modern sport has become popular on the European continent and from there it has spread to other parts of the world. It is played on courts with synthetic surfaces such as gravel, concrete and gravel.

The game takes place with two opposing players or two pairs of opponents, which can be mixed (men and women). Therefore, to score a point, it is necessary for the ball to touch the ground anywhere within the opponent's structure before the second touch. Therefore, tennis requires the player to have quick thinking and good physical condition.

3. Most played sports in the world – Field Hockey: 2 billion fans

Field hockey is a very popular sport on the European, African and Asian continents. The contemporary sport of hockey as we know it today originated in England in the 1800s.

Therefore, the game is played by two teams with 11 players and a game is divided into four 15-minute periods. The object of the game is to score as many goals as possible, guiding the ball with a stick.

Today, field hockey is a very popular sport in Asian countries, whose teams stand out in this sport.

The most practiced sports in the world

2. Cricket: – 2.5 billion fans

Cricket is a sport that uses ball and sticks, being a sport very similar to baseball. Cricket was created in England in the 16th century and has since undergone various transformations over the years.

Until it became a highly admired sport in countries like the United Kingdom, India and Pakistan. Cricket works as follows: two teams with eleven athletes each, in which the objective is to hit the ball and run between the two areas of the field to score runs (points).

1. Soccer – 4 billion fans

Soccer is one of the most practiced sports in the world. Since more than 50% of the planet's population supports a team. The sport originated in England, where it gained many fans and spread throughout the world.

Despite having become popular in Europe, the sport had its origins in China and in the second century in the Roman Empire. Today the sport is most popular in South America and Europe, which have teams and championships recognized all over the planet. The FIFA It is the Federation that manages all matters related to this sport.

So these are the 5 sports that are practiced the most in the world.Soccer is the one that generates the most millions of dollars, either by hiring players, or by selling products and other advertisements.

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The best countries to invest in in recent times


Short children's jokes to laugh a while

There are many reasons why a child may laugh. In fact, when we are little, laughter is somewhat easier and more natural than when we become adults. It's kind of sad right? That's why the childish jokes  They are a really fun way for both kids and parents to have a good time by telling quick jokes to each other.

You don't have to memorize them, when you find a short joke that you like within the jokes for children that we have prepared for you, claim the attention of your audience. Many childish jokes They're so clever and funny that let's face it, we adults find them amusing too.

Some because they are loaded with innocence, others because they represent situations as real as life itself. And that from time to time they resemble experiences that we ourselves have lived in the first person.

Conozca chistes infantiles cortos para reírse un rato
Get to know short children's jokes to laugh for a while (Photo: Internet)

See 10 kid jokes

1. -Why doesn't SpongeBob have a green back?

Because if it had a green back it would be ScotchBrite.

2. -Why is the broom happy?

Because sweeping.

3. - What is the last letter of the alphabet?

-The 'o'. -…

– Isn't that the 'z'?

-Of course not. If not, it would be 'alphabet'.

4. -I'm tired of everyone talking behind my back!

-But if you are a taxi driver...

-Oh! It's true.

5. A boy is riding a bicycle and says to his mother:

-Mom, mom, no hands!

-Mom, mom, no legs!

Suddenly he falls on his face, gets up and says:

-Mom, mom, no teeth!

6. Two classmates talk in the street after an exam.

-How did the exam go?

-Very bad, I have left everything blank.

-My goodness! Surely the teacher will think that we have copied.

7. The phone rings:

-Hello? -Hello, is this where you do laundry?

-No. -Whoa! Well what pigs.

8. -He was such a jinxed man, but so jinxed, so jinxed, that he sat in a haystack and stuck the needle in!

9. -How do you say 'dog' in English?


-And how do you say vet?

-Very easy. Dog-tor.

10. A boy comes home and tells his mother:

-Mom, I have good news and bad news.

-Tell me the good one first.

-I got a ten in math.

-And what is the bad one?

-That's a lie.

Another 10 short jokes to do with your children

  1. What does a vampire baby play with?

With red blood cells.

2. What is a vampire doing driving a tractor?

Sow fear.

3. How are a witch and a few days of vacation similar?

In which the two fly away.

4. What is the height of a vampire?

None, because vampires don't have a top, they have fangs.

5. Why don't skeletons like rainy days?

Because they soak to the bone.

6. What does a vampire order when he enters a bar?

A blood vessel.

7. I'm in pieces!

Signed: Frankenstein.

8. -That sport of swords scares me...


-No, no, more like fear.

9. These are two ghosts…

…and the MEDIUM fell silent

10. What does one ghost say to another?

"Do you believe in people?"


We hope that these childish jokes Make your children or students laugh. You can find short jokes for children on almost any occasion.

See also:

We present you a list with some of the classic Spanish jokes

See a list of the worst internet jokes for you to have fun

These are the worst internet jokes that we list so that the traffic jams in your car seem eternal. They are really bad, they will make you cry and ask the person who reads them to you while you are behind the wheel to be quiet. And never call him or see him again.

However, later you will remember some of these jokes and you will laugh. Stay until the end to read with us the worst internet jokes

The wink of the car

"Son, get out of the car and see if the wink works."

"Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no...


—Hey, do you know what the people from Barcelona are called?

— Friend, the names of all the people I don't know.


What does the seal call its mother?

Mother seal.

Véa una lista con los peores chistes de internet
See a list of the worst jokes on the internet (Photo: Internet).

the strawberries

"Where are you going, Marcelo?"

—To look for manure for the strawberries.

"Don't you think it's better to eat them with cream, like normal people do?"

The doctors

—Please doc, my body is full of hair. What am I suffering from?

—Uzté suffers from an ozito.

Masssome of the worst jokes on the internet


A tall, strong man walks into a ballad, slams his fist on the door, and asks menacingly:

-Who is Juan?

A small, short man yells from a table: —It's me, what's wrong?

The tall man takes him outside and punches him a few times. Juan enters devastated, with blood on his clothes and a disfigured face, but he is laughing. "I cheated on him," he says. My name is not John.

I'm not Peter

—Listen, Pedro, you do look different.

— My name is not Peter.

- Well, could be worst.

The worst tweet in history, is one of the worst internet jokes

-Goal!!! -Who did it? -Say Maria. – No, Maria, who scored?!


— Is America far away?

"Shut up and keep swimming."

The uncle

"Ma, uncle is not well.

— You put it away and continue eating the rest.

The boy

—Mom, at school they call me distracted.

—Hey kid, your house is next door.

One printer says to another: is that copy yours or is it my impression?

the slipper

-Why are you talking to your shoe?

-It says here "CONVERSE".

This is a small selection of bad jokes for you to enjoy. We hope you enjoyed it! For a little more fun, also check out the following article:

Short children's jokes to laugh a while


Drunken jokes to tell on your binges

Have you ever listened drunk jokes? When we get together with our loved ones there is usually wine, beer or other drinks, as well as there is usually a person who crosses the line and starts saying funny things.

Going out with friends for fun is one of the best remedies. Faced with such a busy life, it is necessary to find ways to relax and laugh.

3 drunken jokes

The conclusion

My drunk friend was reading about the negative effects of alcohol and after some reflection he came to this conclusion: He is going to give up reading.

Double or quadruple?

-Dad, how do I know if someone is drunk?

– It's easy, for example those two men, if I were drunk I would see four men.

– Dad, there is only one man!


The policeman stops a drunk's car and asks him:

- Driving permit

- Well, of course you drive.

Chistes de borrachos para contar en tus borracheras
Drunken jokes to tell in your drunken binges (Photo: Internet)

have fun with these jokes of drunks


How are a drunk and a tree different?

In which one starts on the floor and ends in the cup and the other starts in the cup and ends on the floor.

The doctor

After checking out a drunk, the doctor says:

– I still don't understand what your stomach ache is due to, I suppose it's the alcohol.

The drunk responds:

– Well, I better come back when you haven't drunk!

The gift

Says a drunk:

– This watch is a gift from my wife, it has several functions, you can see the time with minutes and seconds, you can see what day it is, it works as an alarm clock, it also has a flashlight and she told me that I can also bathe with it, the problem is I don't know where the button is for the water to come out.

The arrow

The policeman stops a drunk who was driving:

-You haven't seen that there is an arrow?!

-Neither the arrow, nor the one who shot the arrow.

The pretty

A drunk was having a drink in front of a church, then the priest comes out and says:


The drunk responds:

- Thank you so much.


A drunk sitting in a square says to a granddaughter who is passing by with her grandmother:

-Good morning, cookie.

The grandmother gets angry and yells at him:

-What have you said?

-Cookie, not old bread.

Enjoy these jokes that we bring you and share them with your friends. We are sure that the weather can become pleasant for everyone. What really counts is being together with the people we like and who do us good, right?
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