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Technology is changing the world of medicine before our eyes

A large number of digital creations are revolutionizing the way health care is delivered, and the technology The world of medicine is changing. Numerous new innovations and solutions are already on the market and are bringing improvements in healthcare.

Multiple medical problems, such as congestive heart failure, diabetes, medication non-compliance, even stressful isolation, are being investigated and resolved with remarkable new technologies.

See some areas of medicine that are being treated with technology

Heart failure

One of the most common and expensive diagnoses is heart failure. With a death rate closer to cancer. It includes three types of sensors: bracelet, necklace and watch, which are used for testing.

This type of diagnosis provides patients and physicians with ongoing information about how a compromised heart functions.

La tecnología está cambiando el mundo de la medicina ante nuestros ojos
Technology is changing the world of medicine before our eyes (Photo: Internet)

3d print

These days, medical researchers are pondering the potential of 3D printing in medicine. For example, Kaiser Permanente's Los Angeles Medical Center is perfecting the use of 3D printers.

This is to reproduce multidimensional models of problem areas within patients. Surgeons can handle the models and simulate a variety of probable operative replicas. And all this prior to the actual surgery.

Alternatively, 3D printing can be used to reproduce bones or other organs in the human body. This advancement in technology is also pushing prosthetics.

big data

Health institutes have an overwhelming amount of information for storage. Information in the form of data is important for the health industry. This begins with the analysis of information that comes in medical reports. Up to what are the histories of treatments applied to patients.

IBM research teams say the same supercomputer that won a Jeopardy game in 2011 is now being used to help doctors. This is because to make more accurate diagnoses and recommend effective treatments.

Accelerated Technology and Experimentation

The Ebola outbreak has shown that accelerated medical research and experimentation is possible. Due to the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) feared the detrimental effects of a global outbreak.

Vaccination research efforts have increased. Scientists have begun using advanced methods such as the chimpanzee adenovirus, which is "closely related to a human version that causes upper respiratory tract infections."

Mobile apps

Today, mobile apps are available for everything. In the healthcare sector, this is especially true. Physicians and patients are watching as technology presents them with new ways to manage their personal health.

Currently, you can follow your dream patterns on a daily basis. Counting the calories spent or consumed, look for new options for treatment of diseases. And even have daily heart rate monitoring to keep everyone in check and see how technology is changing the world of medicine.


Some reasons why CrossFit is here to stay

Fitness fads come and go, many fading into memory when the next big thing hits. However, CrossFit doesn't seem to show any signs of going away any time soon. One of the hottest fitness trends across the country, there are thousands of affiliates and gyms, known as "boxes" in CrossFit parlance, established in the United States alone and in this article we'll give you a few reasons why we believe that he CrossFit came to stay.

While devotees know exactly why they follow the hard training regimen, it can be disconcerting to an outsider. If you're new to CrossFit and wondering about the secret behind its staying power, here are a few reasons you'll probably understand why the CrossFit is here to stay.

CrossFit vino para quedarse
CrossFit came to stay (Photo: Pixabay)
  1. It's Effective: While it's far from the only factor driving program longevity, it's one of the most powerful: Done correctly, CrossFit is incredibly effective. Enthusiasts see very real results through dedication, changing their bodies, and increasing their own self-esteem.
  2. Existing members are strong recruiters: the results for which the CrossFit came to stay it is because they have a kind of double power. Because they look cool, CrossFit enthusiasts are a walking advertisement for the system. Because the program works so well on so many levels, these enthusiasts also become evangelists for the program. As the number of participants continues to grow and reach others, CrossFit's potential for growth is incredible.
  3. A sense of camaraderie: CrossFit isn't just exercise, and participating in each session is akin to running a mitt. Going through such intense and physically demanding workouts while encouraging others to push harder, faster, and stronger creates a sense of community not often seen in other fitness programs.
  4. It's a new approach to an old problem: Getting and staying in shape isn't just a modern concern. Fitness aficionados have been trying to find a way to revolutionize exercise for decades, but many systems are revised or retooled versions of the old ones. CrossFit came to stay as it tackles the problem head-on, without relying on the often-confusing equipment, aloof attitudes, and elitism of typical gyms.
  5. A culture of coaching and support: People love to make a real difference to themselves and the world around them, but even the most seasoned athlete will appreciate a little support from time to time. Unlike a traditional gym membership which will usually consist of spending money to use complex equipment incorrectly without guidance, CrossFit came to stay because it is based on orientation and support.
  6. Inclusive Attitudes: Traditional gyms and programs are places where gender lines can be sharply divided, and women feel left out, harassed or marginalized in many traditional gyms. Nearly 60 percent of long-term CrossFit participants are women, and this culture of inclusion generates strong growth and staying power among both genders, another reason why the CrossFit came to stay.

Experts prove that spending time with family brings benefits

The next time one of your loved ones scolds you about spending time with your family, you may want to take the complaints seriously. Studies show that you should, for many reasons to spend time with the family.

Finding quality time in this busy day and age is challenging, but not impossible. There are a few ways you can set it aside for your loved one without feeling the stretch and starting to spend time with the family.

pasar tiempo con la familia
spending time with family (Photo: Pixabay)

Studies show that spend time with the family It is important. Research has shown that family time has profound benefits.

Six years of research compiled by scientists at the University of California show that loneliness predicts death. The study focused on 1,600 elderly participants. It revealed that of the older people who died, 14% had regular visitors. In contrast, 23% had no family or friends come to see them.

In general, older people are more likely than younger people to place importance on relationships. They are also more tolerant of failures in their family members because they don't like to be alone.

Reasons for spend time with the family

1. Constructions of self-esteem
First of all, children who spend quality time with their loved ones have self-confidence. They are more sociable because they feel that their parents value them. In addition, children with self-esteem find it easy to build relationships.

2. Create links
Spending time with family strengthens family bonds. Additionally, families who enjoy group activities will develop strong relationships and handle stressful situations with ease.

In this busy time, it is a luxury for parents to spend time with their children. Making time for family will allow you to teach your children valuable life lessons like kindness and fairness.

3. Feed positive behaviors
Consequently, children will begin to develop positive behaviors because their loved ones influence them. A 2012 study found that children who even had regular meals with their families performed better in school. Also, teens who spent more time with their parents tended not to abuse alcohol.

If you want to see positivism in action, check out this example.

4. Create memories
Another reason to have family time is to make memories. Children share more about their lives in these situations than if you ask them 'What happened at school today?' And they are simple ways of spend time with the family.

5. Healthy lifestyle
Also, your lifestyle will be healthier than before. Family members will remind you to have nutritious foods or habits you found together when spend time with the family.

6. Relieves stress
Finally, talking with your loved ones will help reduce your stress. Talking about worries relieves him.

Ways to spend time with your family without feeling stretched out
Since everyone has busy schedules, spending time together as a family is very difficult. The good news is that there are ways to make it less burdensome and more enjoyable. And it will be able to help you in all areas, don't wait any longer to spend time with the family.

More Common Than Regular People: Celebrity Divorce

why is there so much celebrity divorce? Is there some kind of celebrity curse that we're not aware of, or does it seem to occur more frequently in celebrities because their lives are so public?

It seems like every other day, we're reading about another celebrity couple who once seemed so in love breaking up. Whether it's Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan, or Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson, these are couples who seem to have it all but can't make the relationship work. And it seems to happen all the time.

"Celebrity couples are more likely to divorce or separate," Alessandra Conti, celebrity matchmaker at Matchmakers In The City, told Elite Daily. "Many high-profile people are quick to jump into relationships," she says, adding, "the saying 'you're only at the top' holds a lot of truth."

Más común que entre las personas regulares: divorcio entre celebridades
More common than among regular people: celebrity divorce (Photo: Internet).

5 reasons for divorce between celebrities

1. They enter into relationships too hastily.

If you rushed into a relationship quickly, you probably already know that they don't tend to work out exactly how you would have hoped, and according to Conti, getting hooked quickly is common in Hollywood. “I have worked with many public figures who are successful but feel something is missing in their lives.

They have realized many of their dreams, but they still feel an emptiness, ”says Conti. However, if they are not careful, they can jump into a romantic relationship too quickly, only to realize that the person they are in love with does not have qualities that are compatible for a long-term partnership."

2. There is an intense amount of pressure on celebrity relationships

Unlike your average non-celebrity couple, celebrities are constantly being watched, scrutinized, judged, and even followed. Unless very carefully concealed, no inadvertent secrets, bad days, or momentary breakdowns are allowed without being exploited, exposed, and consumed by the media, fans, and haters.

3. They, personally, are under a lot of stress.

There's a lot to envy about the celebrity lifestyle, but it's also very stressful, and stress can be a real relationship killer, whether you're a celebrity or not. As Dr. Claudia Luiz, psychoanalyst and author of The Making of a Psychoanalyst, explains: “They already often live in a pressure cooker.

People with them not only have a responsibility to their audience, but also to their business, which can employ hundreds of people. Between high visibility and responsibility, it doesn't make sense for them to tolerate a lot of conflict and spend time processing their emotions. They need clarity quickly, and often this means parting amicably.”

4. They have less financial pressure to stay together

Getting divorced is especially expensive. Whether you're paying lawyers or even just the expense of moving, it's a real waste of resources. As a result, regular couples have more financial pressure to make the relationship work.

Celebrities, on the other hand, as Dr. Luiz explains, are not under the same financial or family constraints. "Kids are often raised with the help of many nannies, and there's wealth, there's less practical reason to keep it," she says.

5. There are more temptations and opportunities to stray

While we don't like to think that our favorite celebrity couples would cheat on each other, the reality is that famous people face much more temptation and it's shown as a reason for celebrity divorce 

Where are the Spice Girls?

When they first entered the music scene, the Spice Girls they left us speechless. Their carefully crafted unique personalities, distinctive looks, and fun musical styles were an iconic part of '90s music.

Like most shooting stars, they were just a peek on the musical radar. Despite the international popularity of his hits like the 1996 musical wonder "Wannabe" and a Spice GirlsThey quickly faded in people's memory like a night dancing the Macarena.

Spice Girls
Spice Girls (Photo: Pixabay)

Baby Spice
Baby Spice (aka Emma Bunton) was and is the cute, lovable blonde. You can always count on her to be wide-eyed and sing a lot of the super high notes. Was she your favorite Spice Girl? If so, wait until you see her now!

Bunton continues to look like a superstar, keeping her signature blonde locks. He has had some success with a solo career and continues to participate in various judging panels and musical ventures.

ginger spice
Ginger Spice (also known as Geri Halliwell) was the most feisty personality and often seen as the leader of the group. In fact, she left the Spice Girls in 1998 before going on "infinite hiatus" in 2000.

Halliwell had a fairly successful solo career with several UK number 1 hits. She continues to be active in the music industry and holds a very respectable place for having the third most UK chart hits of any woman in history. He returned to the group when they reunited in 2007.

Sporty Spice

Sporty Spice (AKA Melanie Chisholm, AKA Melanie C, AKA Mel C) was the most athletic of the group. She always showed off her super toned stomach and you can bet her music videos and performances were filled with a lot more stunts than the rest of the ladies.

After all these years, Mel C has remained in excellent shape. After the Spice Girls they parted ways with Virgin Records, he started his own label and has been selling his fair share of records independently ever since.

Posh Spice
The quietest and sometimes most confused Spice Girl, Posh Spice, was more or less known for being vulgar, carefree, and a fan of wearing very little clothing. Victoria Adams (her maiden name) remained very popular after the group disbanded and had some solo hits.

Posh Spice is now Victoria Beckham and arguably the most famous of the bunch right now (largely due to her marriage to superstar David Beckham and their absolutely stunning family). She has become a popular fashion designer and has many other successful companies with her famous family.

Scary Spice
Scary Spice (aka Melanie Brown or Honey B) was hugely popular thanks to her charming "rap" sequence during Wannabe (among many other reasons). She was always unpredictable on stage and a very fun performer to watch.

Even though she was never truly scary, Mel B has definitely toned down her style over the years. She's had many creative endeavors over the years, but she's probably best known now for being a judge on America's Got Talent.

Although the Spice Girls officially reunited in 2007-2008 for a "Greatest Hits" tour, they returned to the international stages in a big way in 2012 during a performance for the London Olympics. His performance became the most tweeted about moment of the Olympic Games that year. Who's excited to see their reunion in 2018? We are all of course!