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Technology as a method of learning, understand more about technology in the classroom

Some argue that there is little evidence to justify investing in technology in the classroom. In fact, some studies even suggest potential harm. Some have suggested links between screen time and increases in ADHD, screen addiction, aggression, depression and anxiety, dizziness, headaches, and blurred vision.

There is also a risk that schools will focus on acquiring the “next best” at the expense of developing students' interpersonal, cognitive, critical thinking, and communication skills. Teachers must use the technology in the classroom in a balanced way that enhances learning and skill development. Here are six evidence-based tips on how to do just that.

tecnología en el aula
technology in the classroom (Photo: Pixabay)

1. Use two (or more) ways to communicate
There are endless opportunities for student writing to appear in a way that combines two or more modes (such as visual, audio, or spatial). Making e-books, videos, animations, blogs, web pages, and digital games are the new ways of demonstrating literacy that involve clever combinations of these modes.

Words are rarely used alone on digital platforms now. Instead, they are illustrated with images, screen layouts, pop-ups, hyperlinks, and sounds to create meaning in different ways for, say, an essay.

2. Channel creativity
Look for opportunities for students to produce rather than consume, and to be interactive and creative, such as using technology in the classroom. Don't just play educational games, make them. Students shouldn't be sitting passively looking at a screen, or sitting through the content of a class while watching the teacher flip through slides.

Avoid educational software that simply requires students to participate in closed-ended, “fill-in-the-blank” responses. Although sometimes useful for memorizing information, such as spelling words, using platforms that encourage creativity and help children think for themselves is better for learning.

3. Choose collaboration
Provide students with opportunities to work together in learning and interacting with digital media. Collaborative digital activities can be used to engage students in higher order thinking skills and explore content in depth with the support of classmates.

This includes devices and software that enable multi-user learning and encourage students to interact with each other. This includes interactive discussion boards or apps like "Minecraft for Education" where students can experience a digital learning environment together and take advantage of technology in the classroom.

4. Movement is key
Many digital technologies involve greater sensory involvement than in the past. The use of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), or mixed reality (also called hybrid reality, where digital and physical objects coexist) can encourage children to be physically active while using their brains.

This may include placing QR codes (markers) around the room for them to scan, or the student using augmented reality apps where their smartphone or tablet is used to render 3D objects, text, or animations on the screen when the camera is pointed. towards a marker to combine the technology in the classroom.

With the planet at risk and technology in the environment

One of the areas that is advancing the most is technology in the environment that has the capacity to safeguard our planet. These advances have never been seen before and all this growth has allowed various sectors to be affected in all countries.

All of this is driven by the search for intelligence that stimulates technological advancement. Currently, civilization faces a situation of great environmental crisis, for which the technology in the environment It's very important.

Because it will allow the decoupling of development and environmental degradation. But, let's be clear, man-made technology is not going to replace “nature's technology”. This is because it has been perfected for millions of years, providing essential services for life in the world to remain.

A normal land that manages to produce has diversity and constant time is what has allowed our humanity to reach technological levels. Still, of life that we currently have, and will continue to be in the future.

Con el planeta en riesgo y la tecnología en el medio ambiente
With the planet at risk and technology in the environment (Photo: Internet)

A fundamental theme in previous technological revolutions has been the lightness with which we have taken healthy natural systems such as forests, oceans, and river basins for granted instead of valuing them as a necessary condition for development.

Technology in the environment: We consume more natural resources than the planet can regenerate

On August 1, the world reached Earth Overshoot Day. The point on our calendars when we are inclined to consume more natural resources than the planet can regenerate in a year.

Global Footprint Network, is an international non-profit organization that calculates how we are managing, or not managing the world's resources. According to Footprint, in the first seven months of 2018 we devoured resources for a year. As well as water, to produce everything from the food on our plates to the clothes we wear, a new unwanted record.

At present, we are using resources and ecosystem services as if we had 1.7 Earths. And such an ecological boost is possible only for a limited time before ecosystems start to degrade. And ultimately collapse.

Along with the impacts of climate change, which are evident in the warnings of scientists, the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events around the world. This is going to be disastrous for the ecological balance of the planet and for our survival.

We have a critical window of opportunity between now and 2020 to make commitments and actions. Thus, to reverse the trend of nature loss by 2030 and help ensure the health and well-being of people and our planet. This is not just pessimism, the risk is real.

The failure of natural systems is not without consequences for us

New evidence of our unsustainable impact on the environment is emerging every day. The past five years have been the warmest five-year period on record. The Arctic warmed much faster than anticipated.

The UN estimates that over the past 10 years, weather-related disasters have caused $1.4 trillion worth of damage worldwide. It's time to get going together with the technology in the environment to rescue the planet.

Also read:

Technology is changing the world of medicine before our eyes

Technological innovations that must reach 2025

Predicting what is to come is an essential part of life for financial professionals around the world. We share our 5 predictions that will help the financial sector related to the technology that should arrive until 2025.

It's human nature to want to know what's coming. As far back in history as can be seen, humans have attempted to predict everything from the weather and the rise and fall of the tides to, in more recent times, the performance of stocks and who will reign as champion in a sporting event. and that is why we understand the importance of seeing the technology that should arrive until 2025

tecnología que debe llegar hasta el 2025
technology that should reach 2025 (Photo: Pixabay)

The group has compiled a document describing 10 predictions of technology that should arrive until 2025, based on research conducted by our analysts. You can download the full document here.


The methods for collecting, storing and converting solar energy are so advanced and efficient that they become the main source of energy on our planet.

Thanks to improvements in photovoltaics, chemical bonding, photocatalysts, and nanoscale three-dimensional heterojunctions, using the sun as the world's primary energy source is no longer for the environment; It is for the masses.


Advances in lighting technologies and imaging techniques, along with crop genetic modification, provide an environment conducive to the successful growth of crops indoors and the detection of diseased foods. This will be one of the challenges of the technology that should arrive until 2025. 

Simultaneous revolutions in both lighting technologies and imaging techniques will have far-reaching effects in the next decade. Advances in organic light-emitting diode, LCD and plasma technologies, along with three-dimensional displays coupled with hyperspectral imaging, will enhance year-round crop growth, helping to feed the world's eight billion people and surpassing environmental changes that will affect traditional agriculture.

3. Electric air transport takes off

Lightweight aerospace engineering coupled with new battery technologies drive electric vehicle transportation, both on the ground and in the air.

Getting from point A to point B will be significantly different in 2025 than it is today. Cars and planes will still exist, but they will be smarter, run on batteries, be able to travel longer distances, and be lighter. Advances in carbon-free fuel sources, including lithium-ion batteries, reversible hydrogen storage options, nanomaterials in fuel cells, and thin-film batteries will contribute to this reality.


From the smallest personal items to the largest continents, everything will be digitally connected and responsive to our wishes and tastes.

Thanks to the prevalence of improved semiconductors, graphene-carbon nanotube capacitors, cell-free utility antenna networks and 5G technology, wireless communications will dominate everything, everywhere, what we already see today will be greater and one of the parts of the technology that should arrive until 2025


The kinematic techniques used to understand the Higgs boson particles generated in the Large Hadron Collider are advancing such that quantum teleportation is more common. We are on the precipice of the explosion of this field; It's really an emerging research front. Early indicators point to a rapid acceleration of research leading to proof of quantum teleportation in 2025, while not yet involving humans, it will include other forms of matter. A human dream forever that will be technology that should arrive until 2025. 

Advances in technology that help the police

Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, changing the way police officers do almost everything. Police didn't even have computers available at their stations, much less in their cars, before the millennium. From drones in the sky to bespectacled microcomputers, technological advancements abound in 2019 are advances in technology that help police.

Drones and Robots on Patrol
Critics decry them as harbingers of an Orwellian police state, while defenders point to the vast potential of drones and robots to solve and prevent crime. The fact is that drones have become eyes in the sky for law enforcement officials, and robots can get into places officers can't without risking injury or death.

avances en la tecnología que ayudan a la policia
advances in technology that help the police (Photo: Pixabay)

Camera-equipped remote-controlled robots can investigate bomb threats and are excellent advances in technology that help police. They can climb steps and move just like a human would. Drones can capture video and images of crimes as they occur, providing crucial evidence in future court proceedings.

Google Glass, HoloLens and augmented reality
Imagine a foot patrol officer. The officer's special glasses are recording and analyzing everything on the street as it unfolds. An integrated display provides information on surrounding businesses, homes and vehicles, while facial recognition software provides real-time information on individuals.

Google Glass has made this scenario a reality. Facial recognition has been around since the dawn of the 21st century, and simple smartphone apps like Around Me can provide an augmented reality experience using the phone's camera.


portable lasers

Officers can check before they come into contact with anything questionable, and they'll have the answers they need long before a lab can test and issue a report. An excellent tool for advances in technology that help police

Social networks
Social media has created a frenzy of personal sharing. People talk about the importance of privacy, then purge themselves online, willingly sharing endless personal details via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other sites. They post what they are doing, thinking, or even eating at any given time.

Social media has proven to be a crucial criminal justice tool for law enforcement agencies, crime analysts, and even probation and community control officers. It helps them locate leads and even select candidates for employment.

There have been numerous cases of police foiling or solving crimes based on tips gleaned from Facebook posts, and undetected crimes have been successfully prosecuted as a result of videos posted on YouTube. An alleged Capital One hacker bragged about his exploits online and effectively led the FBI to his door in 2019.

While social media may seem like an "old hat" as a social and marketing platform, its potential as a crime-fighting tool is only just beginning to be realized.

Where is Macaulay Culkin?

Easily one of the biggest child stars and perhaps even a bigger train wreck; Macaulay Culkin he was a household name throughout the United States. Cute, short and blond, the boy had all the heart of Hollywood and that's exactly what happened. But how did Culkin become so famous? The answer really is quite simple.

My poor angel. Macaulay Culkin, wide-eyed, played a spoiled 8-year-old forced to protect the family home from thieves. We had all seen it, it was a classic party and nothing was more fun than watching a whole movie of childish pranks with two unsuspecting thieves. The film and its sequel grossed over £500 million at the box office and has become one of the most recognizable movie posters ever, all thanks to the cheeky appearance of a young Culkin.

Macaulay Culkin
Macaulay Culkin (Photo: Pixabay)

Unfortunately, not all the celebrities of Macaulay Culkin are due to her talented acting skills; After a few flops in the critics' corner for his talent, Culkin made the big decision to retire from acting at the age of 14 and then found ways to legally block his parents from controlling his million-dollar fortune. dollars after fearing he was being manipulated. In the shortest period of time known to man, this child actor went from nobody, to megastar, to millionaire, and back to relative, by the time he was 15!

Where is Macaulay Culkin now?

Where to start with the latest in Macaulay Culkin? No longer the sweet face of holiday cheer and now child star poster boy gone awry, it seems Culkin has been in our faces for all the wrong reasons lately.

In 2004 he was arrested and briefly jailed for marijuana possession and then returned to court later in support of Michael Jackson at his trial. He then went on to worm his way back into the public eye when he and his girlfriend of 10 years, Mila Kunis, broke up and the world began to see the decent childhood star.

After the split, several photos of Culkin looking very thin and worn were posted, many equating his not-so-stylish bum appearance with his history of substance abuse and it wasn't long before rumors of drug addiction were circulating. by Hollywood. His residency with troubled Libertines frontman Pete Doherty did little to dispel these rumours, as did his brief tour with The Moldy Peaches, a band famously ketamine-influenced. Things seem to be looking up for the troubled star, however, as he now reels across the globe on tour with his comedy-rock band 'The Pizza Underground'.

More recently, you can see Macaulay Culkin playing himself in the Compare The Market, Compare The Meerkat ad campaign.

It may not have always been the sun and the rainbow for Macaulay Culkin, but whatever he's doing, you can be sure he's doing it with the same stubbornness that got him in trouble in the first place, whether it's a comedy rock band or a heroin addiction. you can bet your bottom dollar she's doing it in style.