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Why does Justin Bieber look like a completely different person?

if you think Justin Bieber he's the same wide-eyed kid he was when he got his big break on YouTube in 2008 by thinking back. Over the past decade, it has matured and changed in some amazing ways. In fact, Justin Bieber  he is a completely different person than you can remember.

The rise of Justin Bieber He rose to the top of pop quickly, thanks to his mother who pushed him to post his talents on YouTube. In 2008, I was in the recording studio with Usher. Within five years of breaking the pop hit, Bieber seemed to be on the verge of a total meltdown.

Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber (Photo: Pixabay)

Throughout 2013, the excesses of Justin Bieber  they provided endless buzz on social media and news outlets. He was pulled over leaving a neighbor's house and pulled over in a Lamborghini while intoxicated. He was photographed in a Brazilian brothel. When the pop star was caught trying to smuggle a monkey into Germany, it seemed like Bieber's personal and professional life was in an unstoppable nosedive.

In 2015, Bieber got into a candid conversation with Joe LaPuma in Complex magazine. He admitted to being hyper-competitive, explaining that as a kid in Toronto, he built his sense of self-esteem and identity on being good at everything. At 21 at the time of the interview, Bieber looked back three years, when he also appeared on the cover of Complex. When asked how he's changed between the 2012 cover story and then, Bieber said he's learned to play golf and enjoyed the perks of reaching legal drinking age.

Fast forward to 2017, and Justin Bieber is putting his music career on hold while he enacts some big changes in his personal life. A year later, a new Justin Bieber emerged and he's not the mess you remember.

For starters, he's married.

That's right. The former teen idol is off the market for good. To many fans and followers, Bieber's secret but not-for-long marriage to Hailey Baldwin seemed like spur-of-the-moment craze. In fact, Bieber and Baldwin have been friends for several years and consider their legal union more organic than impromptu.

The couple leaked their legal relationship status after getting married in Manhattan last September. They plan to have a larger, more elaborate wedding with many guests, but no date has been set for the festivities. Baldwin and Bieber also deny rumors that children are in the immediate future.

Growing up in the spotlight
The transition from Justin Bieber from teen idol to mature adult hasn't been easy. For a time, he turned to Xanax and indiscriminate sexual encounters in an effort to feel good despite the beatings he was receiving in the press and on social media.

Nowadays Justin Bieber  He is also a frequent follower of Hillsong Church, and his relationship with Baldwin has brought him the stability he never had in his teens. We can't wait to see what the new paths for this talented artist will be.

Trick or treat: learn more about the history of Halloween

Halloween It is known as a party that is celebrated every year on October 31 and Halloween in 2019 is on Thursday, October 31. Tradition estimates that the origin of this party is from the Celtic festival called Samhain.

People built bonfires and wore costumes as a form of protection from the spirits. Pope Gregory III in the eighth century, chose the first day of november as the date that would be to exalt the saints.

All Saints' Day included some of the rituals of Samhain. The day before this date was called All Hallows Eve, after Halloween. As time passed, the Halloween party became the day where activities such as trick-or-treating, carving lanterns, party gatherings, dressing up, and eating treats were performed.

The beginning of the festivities Halloween They come from an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain (pronounced sow-in). It is known that the Celts lived more than 2000 years ago, mainly in what is known as Ireland, the north of the French country and England, they celebrated the new year on November 1.

Truco o trato: conozca más a fondo la historia del Halloween
Trick or treat: learn more about the history of Halloween (Photo: Internet)

the origins of halloween

This was the day that summer ended, as well as the harvest giving the beginning of winter. This time of the year was associated with death. For the Celts there was a belief that it happened at night before the new year arrived.

There was a border between the world of the dead and the living was blurred. There was a belief that the spirits that had died returned to the world. And it was celebrated in Samhain on October 31 at night.

To celebrate this event, those known as druids in Celtic mythology made large bonfires that were considered sacred. In them people gathered around and burned crops and animals, these were sacrifices to the Celtic gods.

In the celebration people dressed in skin and animal heads, they were customs along with wanting to tell people's luck.

Roman empire

By the year 43 AD, the well-known Roman Empire is known to have conquered a good part of the land occupied by the Celts. During the government of the lands that belonged to the Celts, in 400 years, they made parties with traditions that were mixed together with the Celtic celebrations of Samhain.

Pope Boniface IV, on May 13, 609 AD. He made a dedication to honor martyrs in Christianity at the Pantheon in Rome in conjunction with the All Martyrs' Day feast where the Western church was established.

The festival was growing thanks to Pope Gregory III, which included all the saints, the martyrs, taking the celebration party of May 13 to the first day of november. Christianity had influenced the lands of the Celts in the 9th century.

What caused the Christian customs to be mixed with the ancient rites of the Celts. Already in the year 1000 after Christ the church determined that November 2 as the Day of the Souls, being a day of honor for the dead.

Currently it is believed that the church was trying to replace the Celtic festival of the dead with a similar festival accepted by the Catholic Church.

Halloween in the United States

The Halloween party was highly controlled in the New England colony. Because of the particular beliefs of the Protestants who lived in the country. The party of Halloween it was more common in the southern colonies and in the city of Maryland.

The customs, cultures, and beliefs of the American Indians and the various ethnic groups of Europe were unified. so the Halloween of the United States has the identity of that mix.

The initial celebrations had the so-called "Game parties", which were parties for the public where the harvest was celebrated. In it, people shared stories about the dead, talked about luck, sang and danced.

Risk of constant consumption of energy drinks

The dangers associated with energy drinks They are getting a lot of bad press due to the sheer volume of energy boosting products on the market and the ease of access to them by minors.

It is known that much of of these drinks they are low in caffeine like Starbucks coffee, are heavily sweetened, have a host of other ingredients, and are easy to drink, appealing to the younger population.

Therefore, we are seeing a growth in cases in people over the age of 18 who suffer from side effects that are dangerous to their health. All this for taking in an exaggerated way such products at once.

We are also seeing health ramifications from excessive consumption of these beverages on a daily basis for an extended period of time.

Riesgo del consumo constante de bebidas energéticas
Risk of constant consumption of energy drinks (Photo: Internet).

Consequences of excess energy drinks

Heart attack

People who have present heart conditions have experienced cardiac arrest after consuming some energy drinks. Before drinking caffeine or this type of beverage, make sure you know how an important organ, the heart, is in health.

A new study presented results showing that these drinks produce much more frequent heart contractions. These can be harmful to people who have some heart conditions.

increased anxiety

People who have 2 genetic modifications and variations in receptors found in adenosine tend to be prone to anxiety when taking energy drinks and caffeinated drinks. High doses of caffeine manage to cause full-blown panic attacks.


The consumption of energy drinks fulfills the role of sustaining people up and attentive. By abusing these substances, they can cause permanent loss of sleep in some people.

Lack of sleep can cause problems in the performance of tasks, this being dangerous since it would impede the concentration of the person in carrying out tasks, especially those heavier ones.

Energy drinks and other health problems

Type 2 diabetes

These drinks are very high in sugar. Eventually they manage to damage the cells responsible for the production of insulin in the pancreas.

Interaction with some medications

Part of the ingredients present in the drinks, which interact with the medications that are given to the patients, especially those that are taken to treat depression.

Addiction to energy drinks

By consuming products with caffeine Caffeine is addictive in people. Thus causing a failure in functioning, it occurs when it is not possible to drink something energetic or there is a financial stress by needing to buy many energy drinks daily.


Discover the unmissable reasons to visit Thailand

Visit thailand It's normal for European tourists. In general, people think that it is a distant country and with particular characteristics to make it a tourist destination in a short vacation time, two weeks, for example.

If you really dared to travel for 14 hours by plane, you would know a country that is growing as a tourist destination. Of course, the recommendation is that if possible you have a month of vacation, so that you can enjoy it, because a week would be very little.

Easy access to rooms and food

The currency handled in dollars in Thailand allows access to hotels and lodging places to have values reminiscent of the 50s in the United States. Another thing that is important and with very cheap prices is the food.

Thai food is considered very delicious by Americans, and easy to find with street food vendors. Do you really want to spend money? You can do that freely when visiting thailand It has well-known resorts and hotels, where you can spend less than you would at home.

Descubra las razones imperdibles para visitar Tailandia
Discover the unmissable reasons to visit Thailand (Photo: Internet)

Beautiful Beaches in Thailand

It doesn't matter which month you go to, in January or June, there will always be sunny weather and mild weather, with little rain. Which are very different from American days, which are rainy and hot or very cold.

To visit thailand you will find beaches that are considered to be among the best in the world, their crystalline waters join a beautiful seascape. You can practice water sports with swimming and diving. There are many Thai beaches, from those that are for relaxing to those with night parties, allowing you to choose from their variety.

big purchases

If you are one of those who like to shop for attractive and rare things, in Thailand you will find markets and stores where you can shop freely. In the stores that are in the capitals you will find everything you want, from clothes to the most diverse art. The well-known shopping centers in the city of Bangkok are known for their elegance worldwide.

easy to travel

Once inside the country, you can move easily and cheaply. This is because the main airlines are low cost, for example, Bangkok Airways and Nok air. If you make your trip in low season, making your reservation on time, you will be able to find tickets to Phuket from Bangkok, for example, with a super affordable value.

Impressive Buddhist temples in Thailand

The religion that stands out in Thailand is Buddhism, which has a considerable influence on Thai society, such as architecture and the way people relate to each other. Big cities like Bangkok and Chiang Mai are the ones with big Buddhist temples, which you are going to want to visit in thailand.

Country renowned for its nightlife

The capitals and the beaches are known for their parties, discos and bars that have allowed the country to be known for its nightlife. Don't worry, they are not just any bar, they are bars with different styles, music and records. Yet another reason to visit thailand.

Learn a little more about the history of tattoos

Have you ever stopped to think about the origin of tattoos? In this article, we will talk about the history. Getting tattooed is an ancient practice that is currently more frequent and accepted by society.

The art of making a tattoo in which a pigment is placed on the skin and inserted through a needle. In this way the color of the skin is permanently modified.

Tattoos can be seen as rebellion against the social system. Only that's not the only reason why people get tattooed, there are others. Tattoos can be a way to save skin, whether due to an accident, which leads to an increase in self-esteem.

Conozca un poco más sobre la historia de los tatuajes
Learn a little more about the history of tattoos (Photo: Internet)

The origins of tattoos

A historical fact that proves that prehistoric people knew about tattooing. They are the instruments that were discovered in countries like Scandinavia, France and Portugal. These materials are approximately 12,000 years old and were used for tattooing.

There are tattoos found on mummies, such as that of the Iceman, Ötzi, who is believed to have lived around 4,000 years BC. It is also known that tribes such as the Celts and Germans tattooed themselves.

Mummies dating from 2000 BC Amunet, Egypt and Pazyryk, Siberia, featured tattoos upon discovery. From what can be observed, the custom of tattooing has been present since the beginning of human history.

religious symbols

One of the healing methods and religious symbol in India and Egypt, were tattoos. As they also meant a social position or could even mean a type of punishment. For example, in the Philippines tattoos signified an achievement or rank, their beliefs said that tattoos possessed magical properties.

When the Christian religion emerged, the belief that tattoos were only for barbarians began to spread throughout Europe. But tattoos came into use again in the 16th century with transatlantic voyages.

Navigators such as Captain James Cook and William Dampier brought home indigenous people from the various lands they visited and many of them had tattoos.

Tattoos and cultural transformations over time

Initially, tattoos were exclusively for lower class people or sailors. As time went by, tattoo artists became more skilled at their art. Making tattooing become a hobby of the aristocratic class. These managed to bank with the high costs that the professionals charged.

Cultures like the Roman, Greek and Chinese, had the custom of tattooing slaves and criminals, to be able to easily identify them if they escaped. During World War II and after, hepatitis became a public health problem.

For that reason, several countries prohibited this art. It is known that some of them until recently removed that ban.

In the Guinness World Record for the largest number of tattoos is Gregory Paul McLaren. He has the 100% of his skin tattooed. Following him is Tom Leppard who was born in the year of 1934, who owns a total of 99.9% of his tattooed skin.

According to statistics, currently one fifth of the adult population in the United States has at least one tattoo.