Nowadays, if you ask someone to name something they can't live without, their phone will probably be at the top of the list. This is because, thanks to the good old technology, most of us have become completely addicted to our phones, relying on them for everything from ordering food to staying in touch with our best friends. Know some problems related to excessive use of cell phone.
“So many people are addicted to their phones because they give us instant feedback and instant gratification,” Tom Kersting, a psychotherapist and author of the book Disconnected: How to Reconnect Our Digitally Distracted Children, said in an interview. «Do you want to know the weather forecast? Alright. Do you need to know the name of this actor in this movie? No problem. Do you want to talk to your uncle in California? It's ok no problem. Because we rely on them for almost everything, when we don't have them, we withdraw." These are just a few examples of the excessive use of cell phones.
But in addition to making us extremely needy, smartphone separation anxiety can have a host of other negative side effects, according to the experts I spoke to. Here are ten things that happen when you keep staring at your phone all day.
Between our televisions and computers, many of us spend hours and hours every day staring at screens. Add a smartphone to the mix and it won't be long before your eyes have simply had too much to drink. In fact, I'll be the first to admit that I've gotten tired of my eyes many times just scrolling through my Instagram feed. "Prolonged use of digital devices and exposure to screens can cause digital eye strain," Dr. Howard Purcell, an optometrist, member of the American Academy of Optometry, and senior vice president of client development, told me. "Symptoms can include blurred vision, trouble concentrating on one thing, red, tired, or dry eyes, and headaches."
Neck Pain
Whether you're chatting with friends over group texts or laughing at a cute cat video on YouTube, using our cell phones often results in bending, which can wreak havoc on your neck and shoulders. This is another thing on the list of excessive use of cell phones.
Cell-related neck tension is so common that doctors have even given it its own name: neck in the text. "Research shows that with every inch your head lowers, you double the load on these muscles," Dr. Robert Bolash said in an article from the Cleveland Clinic where he specializes in pain. "Looking at your smartphone with your chin to your chest can put about 15 pounds of force on your neck."
Lower oxygen levels.
In addition to neck and shoulder pain, bending over to look at your phone can cause other health problems, including decreased oxygen to the brain. According to the Cleveland Clinic, sitting in an inclined position hinders your lungs' ability to expand, which affects your lung capacity. Inhaling less oxygen means your heart needs to work harder to send more oxygen-carrying blood to your entire body, including your brain, counts as part of sleep problems. excessive use of cell phone.
wrist sprains
And last but not least texting is her favorite medium, you might be careful the next time your phone rings with a new notification. And lately one of the problems related to the excessive use of cell phone They have been injuries to the wrists. So if you are one of the addicts, be careful that it does not consume your life.