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Ways to get a loan for your business

get a loan for small businesses is a major hurdle for small businesses, mainly due to banks' strict lending standards. However, it is often necessary to obtain external financing to start or grow a business or cover day-to-day expenses, including payroll and inventory.

Although finding, applying for, and getting approved for small business loans can be difficult, the more prepared you are, the better.

See if you have what it takes to qualify. Gather information, including your credit score and annual income. Prepare your documents and request them. Know ahead of time what documents lenders will need from you.

Formas de obtener un préstamo para su empresa
Ways to obtain a loan for your company (Photo: Internet)

How to get a business loan in a few steps

1. Ask yourself, why do I need this loan?
Lenders will ask you this question, and your answer will likely fall into one of four categories:

  • start your business;
  • manage day-to-day expenses;
  • grow your business;
  • have a safety cushion.

2. Decide what type of loan is right for you.
Your reasons for get a loan they will determine the type of small business loan you will get. If you are starting a business, it is practically impossible get a loan in your company the first year.

Lenders require cash flow to support loan repayment, so startups are typically immediately disqualified from financing.

3. Determine the best type of small business lender.
You can get small business loans from a number of places, including banks, nonprofit microlenders, and online lenders. These lenders offer products that include term loans, lines of credit, and accounts receivable financing.

You should approach shopping for small business loans like you're shopping for a car, says Suzanne Darden, a business consultant at the Alabama Small Business Development Center.

Once you determine what type of lender and financing vehicle is right for you, compare two or three similar options based on APR (total cost of the loan) and terms.

Of the loans you qualify for, choose the one with the lowest APR, as long as you can handle regular loan payments. get a loan It's always a complex decision that involves various aspects of your business, but don't worry.

It can come out in your favor if each step taken is clearly studied in the best possible way. Understand your business deeply and in this way you will be able to understand what type and in what term you can pay without being squeezed and leading you to a worse debt than what you had

Understand the credit card for people without consulting the bank

For all those who constantly seek to acquire a credit card and for some reason see their dream frustrated by institutional banking bureaucracy. There are several reasons why a traditional bank can deny the issuance of a credit card or any other type of financial royalty; however, that is not relevant for this article. What is interesting is to present that there is a possibility of obtaining a credit card for people without consulting the bank.

This type of credit card works just like a regular plastic one, like any other that can be obtained at the financial institution on your street, but without the bureaucracy. Besides that, the credit card for people without consulting the bank It really has no problem accepting all those that have or have had records in their history and for that reason do not receive concessions from other banks.

tarjeta de crédito para personas sin consultar el banco
credit card for people without consulting the bank (Photo: Pixabay)

No matter why you want to get a credit card for people without consulting the bank know that it is possible and all without leaving home. The best option to obtain this type of plastic is through virtual banks. Although they are recent on the market, they have become excellent options for various types of customers, and all with different reasons that led them there.

Virtual banks easily win over traditional banks in terms of services, reduction of annual fees, customer service and ease for all those who need to obtain concessions without much bureaucracy. It is for this reason that lately they have been filled with users of all ages and with completely different profiles. Today they can carry out their transactions and from anywhere with the use of their cell phone.

These virtual banks are used to issuing credit card for people without consulting the bank without the need for much inquiry about your personal data and in a few minutes. Working in the same way as a regular bank, digital banks have many benefits for all those who want a simpler and faster life in banking matters. And mainly for those who want the granting of bank benefits without much inquiry.

Your past in digital banks doesn't matter to the same degree as it does in traditional banks. It is for this reason that they can issue their credit card for people without consulting the bank and you will be able to see yourself free from all those ties that are bothering your performance and development in various ways. Get ready to plan that vacation you owe your family, or to go out and have fun; just be careful not to create new debt.

Be seen as a client by institutions that respect their clientele and are also willing to grow together. His credit card for people without consulting the bank it's also a great way to get your name out of history. Since after a certain time of adequate financial conduct it will no longer be seen as a risk for any bank.

New wave of Japanese trade in Mexico

In the Roma Norte neighborhood of Mexico City, a steady stream of customers filled the small cafe Raku, which means "joy" in Japanese. They were drawn to coffee. This place is part of the new wave of Japanese trade in Mexico.

The fine green Kyoto powder is measured, mixed with hot water and, with a brush made from a single piece of bamboo, agitated exactly 30 times. It turns out to be a mossy color that was earthy and bitter, and for a second it gives you a taste of Japan, this is just one of the many names that have appeared from Japanese trade in Mexico.

comercio japonés en México
Japanese trade in Mexico (Photo: Pixabay)

Although sushi restaurants have established themselves in the cosmopolitan capital of Mexico, they are part of the Japanese trade in Mexico that has sprung up in recent years, from fashion labels and boutiques to a new hotel, along with Japanese-influenced eating and drinking venues.

According to Max St. Romain, head of the popular Gastronauta DF Instagram account, the dichotomy between the two destinations has helped spark this adoration for all things Japanese: food and more. “Many of us Mexicans admire Japanese culture because it is the opposite of who we are. It has elegance, subtlety, and minimalism, and in Mexico we are loud, expansive, and explosive." another excellent Japanese trade in Mexico.

In 2013, Lopez opened the sushi restaurant Rokai, and now his Edo Kobayashi group runs a mini-empire of restaurants a few blocks away (including ramen and yakitori). In December 2018, he opened Emilia, which offers Japanese-inspired dishes using local ingredients, and the Tokyo Music Bar cocktail lounge.

Lopez's latest projects include the Tatsugoro, a sushi and whiskey bar named after the aforementioned imperial gardener that just opened at the St. Regis Hotel, and a fried chicken restaurant called EFC, which stands for fried chicken. Edo's and serves sides that incorporate Japanese ingredients like wasabi and yuzu kosho.

There's even a Japanese-style inn, or ryokan, in Little Tokyo. Aptly named Ryo Kan, the tranquil 10-bedroom property opened in April 2018 and is built of wood and stone. Guests can relax in rooftop hot tubs that resemble onsen (Japanese hot springs) and sleep on futon-covered mats instead of standard beds.

To the south, not far from Raku, a triangle-shaped area in the north of Rome is on its way to becoming Little Tokyo 2.0. There is a Tokyobike store, a Japanese brand known for its simple and light city bikes. And a couple (he is Japanese, she is Mexican) owns Kameyama Shachuu, the only Japanese trade in Mexico who sells hand-forged Sakai Takayuki knives in the Osaka region.

Not far away, Tsubomi, a brick-walled bakery, sells savory and sweet pastries like anpan, a bagel filled with red bean paste. Just a few blocks from there, Hashi Gallery held its inaugural exhibition in February 2018. Completed by Omar Rosales, the gallery promotes established Japanese artists through pop-up exhibitions throughout the city. These are just some of the many establishments that show the recent strength of the Japanese trade in Mexico.

Martial arts and its benefits for all ages

In this article you will learn more about the Martial Arts and its benefits. Most of us know that by exercising we can have great physical benefits, in addition to strengthening the muscles. What is known about the specific benefits of each exercise executed?

There is already research that shows that by running and walking there is an increase in life expectancy. As for yoga, it is proven that it increases happiness. Although, there is a physical activity that, in addition to improving physical and mental health, can increase the cognitive part of our brain, these are the Martial Arts.

An investigation carried out in the United States, in children with ages between 8 and 11 years old, it was recommended that they practice martial arts. Which had as education the power to defend themselves, introduced in a program that worked against the bullying school and respect for other people. Along with this, they were instructed how to maintain calm and self-control under pressure conditions.

Las artes marciales y sus beneficios para todas las edades
Martial arts and its benefits for all ages (Photo: Internet)

Martial arts and its benefits for all ages

The investigations revealed that the practice of Martial Arts They help reduce violent behavior in children. As the study also revealed that there was an increase in the intervention. And help from a partner who is suffering violence, compared to what happened before martial arts practices.

Something curious that happened was that the decrease in violence was not only in young children. In another investigation carried out, it was shown that, in adolescents, there was a decrease in physical and verbal aggressions, after starting the practices of martial arts.

One of the Martial Arts Known is tai chi, the emphasis of this martial art is on meditation and controlled breathing. In research conducted on how to reduce stress, meditation and breathing have been shown to help in the ability to manage stress, both in young adults and older people.

The relationship between body and mind

The relationship between physical health and emotional well-being is investigated by various scientists. It has been confirmed that the  Martial Arts They help in the emotional well-being of people. The aforementioned study was done in 45 people between the ages of 67 and 93, who practiced karate, some cognitive or physical training (not martial), for 3 to 6 months.

Those older adults who practiced karate presented low levels of depression, especially when practicing karate with other groups. It was also reported that they themselves presented high levels of self-esteem immediately after practicing karate.

So this kind of exercise They improve attention and alertness throughout the constant practice of this physical activity. One of the tests carried out was to repeat and remember a number of numbers, in increasing and then decreasing order, diversifying and making it difficult until the person was unable to continue.

Undoubtedly, martial arts are more than traditional movements. Although it has been practiced for self-defense and spiritual growth for hundreds of years, research to understand the scope of this practice is recent. Investigations directed to the effects of Martial Arts in the brain, they are new.

Some health problems related to the excessive use of cellular phones

Nowadays, if you ask someone to name something they can't live without, their phone will probably be at the top of the list. This is because, thanks to the good old technology, most of us have become completely addicted to our phones, relying on them for everything from ordering food to staying in touch with our best friends. Know some problems related to excessive use of cell phone.

“So many people are addicted to their phones because they give us instant feedback and instant gratification,” Tom Kersting, a psychotherapist and author of the book Disconnected: How to Reconnect Our Digitally Distracted Children, said in an interview. «Do you want to know the weather forecast? Alright. Do you need to know the name of this actor in this movie? No problem. Do you want to talk to your uncle in California? It's ok no problem. Because we rely on them for almost everything, when we don't have them, we withdraw." These are just a few examples of the excessive use of cell phones.

uso excesivo de celular
excessive use of cell phones (Photo: Pixabay)

But in addition to making us extremely needy, smartphone separation anxiety can have a host of other negative side effects, according to the experts I spoke to. Here are ten things that happen when you keep staring at your phone all day.

Between our televisions and computers, many of us spend hours and hours every day staring at screens. Add a smartphone to the mix and it won't be long before your eyes have simply had too much to drink. In fact, I'll be the first to admit that I've gotten tired of my eyes many times just scrolling through my Instagram feed. "Prolonged use of digital devices and exposure to screens can cause digital eye strain," Dr. Howard Purcell, an optometrist, member of the American Academy of Optometry, and senior vice president of client development, told me. "Symptoms can include blurred vision, trouble concentrating on one thing, red, tired, or dry eyes, and headaches."

Neck Pain
Whether you're chatting with friends over group texts or laughing at a cute cat video on YouTube, using our cell phones often results in bending, which can wreak havoc on your neck and shoulders. This is another thing on the list of excessive use of cell phones. 

Cell-related neck tension is so common that doctors have even given it its own name: neck in the text. "Research shows that with every inch your head lowers, you double the load on these muscles," Dr. Robert Bolash said in an article from the Cleveland Clinic where he specializes in pain. "Looking at your smartphone with your chin to your chest can put about 15 pounds of force on your neck."

Lower oxygen levels.
In addition to neck and shoulder pain, bending over to look at your phone can cause other health problems, including decreased oxygen to the brain. According to the Cleveland Clinic, sitting in an inclined position hinders your lungs' ability to expand, which affects your lung capacity. Inhaling less oxygen means your heart needs to work harder to send more oxygen-carrying blood to your entire body, including your brain, counts as part of sleep problems. excessive use of cell phone.

wrist sprains
And last but not least texting is her favorite medium, you might be careful the next time your phone rings with a new notification. And lately one of the problems related to the excessive use of cell phone They have been injuries to the wrists. So if you are one of the addicts, be careful that it does not consume your life.